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The Whole Court of Challenges
Challenge #1 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Ares & Psycho Slayer |
In the ep. Normal Again Buffy kills the Scoobies, going back to
the 'real world'. There, while being in a club, a group of vamps take over
the club and Angel comes in and saves the day (kinda like in The Harvest but
instead of Buffy killing the leader, Angel does). Then she realises that
vampires are real but she's not the Slayer.
Challenge #2 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Ares & Psycho Slayer |
AtS 5 Damage. Andrew is called in to Wolfram and Hart to help with the capture of Dana and once he sees Angel he becomes besotted with him.
How Andrew is treated is up to you.
How the episode ends is also up to you.
No Angel bashing but others are fair game.
Challenge #3 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Briony Cain & Rehatha |
Darla captures Angel and Buffy. Doesn't want to give Buffy an easy death, even if it is in front of Angel because Darla still wants Angelus back. ( and Angelus did seem to be obsessed with Buffy too, but his obsessions fade once the girl is turned. } Plan is to turn Buffy, give her a soul ( or maybe she keeps it )
So, Darla turns Buffy.
Casts a spell to oust Angel and get back Angelus.
Darla plans to spend decades happily torturing the Slayer turned vampire with "her boy".
Only things don't turn out quite as Darla intended since Angelus doesn't want her anymore.
After all, she did ditch him with that pesky soul for 100 years. But does Angelus want either one of them? Or worse still, does the demon want the Slayer still.
Challenge #4 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Briony Cain & Rehatha |
Willow and co., thinking they've failed and Sunnydale falling to biker gang from hell call Angel to save them. They can't fight them all, they can try but badly outnumbered here and no muscle, which means Angel either is back from Tibet already or never went.
He comes to town, maybe does the fight thing, takes care of the bikers but there are more monsters in town than the bikers. He goes to the mansion for a last look around and finds grave-fresh Buffy huddled in a corner crying, with the bodies of various demons and piles of ash surrounding her. Other monsters came after her but she's fended them off, thinks she's in hell. She's nearly maddened by what's happened to her.
Will Angel save her? Or abandon her to the friends that forced a living woman to dig her way out of her steel coffin and her grave.
Challenge #5 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Cendari & Karen |
Every Christmas Eve. Angel has returned to Sunnydale and stood in the approximate spot wher he once tried to kill himself to remember she who had convinced him not to. This year, it's different. How and why?
Challenge #6 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Cendari & Karen |
1. BA must have died together, and made the conscious decision to sacrifice themselves (a la "The Gift").
2. One can have BA together or not when Anna first meets them. If not, what is their attitude towards each other and how does it affect Anna's perception of them?
Challenge #7 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Christine & Lela Rose |
Must haves:
I'd love it if someone snapped and killed Cordelia, but suspect if Connor stayed with her then he would eventually be the one to go nuts and kill Cordelia. But that's up to you.
Challenge #8 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Christine & Lela Rose |
Must haves:
Challenge #9 | Inescapable | |
sired by: Danielle & Lise | mastered by: Ares & Pyscho Slayer |
Angel O'Connor has just moved to Sunnydale to be a professor at UC Sunnydale after his divorce with Fred Burkle. Buffy Summers who is always been known around the campus as the "easy teacher" is smitten when she first sees Angel. And when Angel firsts sees Buffy he is taken by her.
1. Angel's first experience ever with a woman was Darla when he was a freshman in college. But after Darla's one night with Angel she had left him and Angel was broken from his first time it was always hard for him to let someone in.
2. Buffy gets around… a lot. She is known to do many of the male's students and once in awhile has a shag with Spike.
3. Angel trying to side step all of Buffy's attempts to get him into her bed even though all he wants to do is make love her all night long but he is scared once again of getting hurt. Buffy will stop at anything to get the new broody professor in her bed.
4. When Buffy and Angel finally do make love Buffy understands that she wants more than a one night stand with Angel… she wants a relationship.
5. Happy Ending must for Buffy and Angel.
Challenge #10 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Danielle & Lise |
Angel O'Connor is a very wealthy business man who travels quite often. On one trip to Paris he catches site of something spectacular to him and follows this something all over the city. Her name was Buffy Summers. He woos her over the week that he stays there and learns that she is an Art Major from America who wanted to study in Paris where the "real art is". They fall madly in love but Angel has to go back to America and promises to call and write. They keep in touch and one day Buffy deiced that she wants to see him and buys a ticket to Sunnydale, California where he told her he lives. But when she finally sees him on the streets of Sunnydale, she sees him kissing his wife.
Must Haves:
1. Must be a happy ending for both Buffy and Angel… meaning they end up together.
2. Angel not telling Buffy that he is married in his stay in Paris.
3. Doesn't matter when but sometime in her stay in Sunnydale Buffy and Angel are alone and they get into a fight and Buffy slaps him and then they have wild sex.
4. Buffy befriending Gunn, Angel's best friend, and when she tells him what happened with Angel when he came to Paris and how Angel didn't tell her about his wife, Gunn wants to teach Angel a lesson and helps Buffy make Angel jealous.
5. Use at least parts of dialogue from the shows Buffy or Angel.
Challenge #11 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Desdemona & Kyria |
When Angel is tempted by The First to have sex with Buffy, he does but he keeps himself from draining her. After all of that mental torture, he doesn't lose his soul.
1. Buffy and Angel sitting on the bed glancing at their watches obsessively. Kind of a, "Can you feel your soul now? How 'bout now?" moment.
2. Buffy wants to stop, but can't help herself. Rationalizes by thinking she can contain Angelus and Willow can re-soul Angel.
3. Angel realizing he must not be that bad if The PTBs graced him with a permenant soul.
4. Buffy and Angel bonding in a way that leaves no doubt they are soul mates.
Challenge #12 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Desdemona & Kyria |
When Buffy's trapped in Ken's little piece of hell, bestial Angel scents her and begins to track her from his deeper level (think Dante's Inferno with the 9 levels of hell, Buffy being in purgatory (1) and Angel being around level 8 (Malebolge)).Angel reaches Buffy as she's getting everyone out, helps her win the battle,and joins her back on earth in LA. So the story revolves around Buffy sheltering emotionally and physically scarred Angel while trying to lead a somewhat normal life in LA.
~Some internal dialogue from Angel, but he can be as lucid or as primitive as you like
~Angel still acting very much like an animal. Predatory, possessive and visceral.
~Angel attempting to mark her
~Angel has serious problems adjusting to civilization and he is a threat to people
~Buffy is trying to lead a normal life, without slaying and attempting to make friends and have a relationship
~Buffy ultimately calling Giles for help
~Scooby gang is still unaware of Buffy's whereabouts and Angel's return
~Buffy returns to Sunnydale in the end, with Angel on her heels ( I don't really want a definitive conclusion.)
Challenge #13 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Emelie & Kittenbug |
Season 2 Ats/Season 6 BtVS. Set right after Darla and Drusilla disappears. Angel takes on a case with a demon that takes form into your greatest desire (Buffy of course). Angelus wants to make a trip to Sunnydale and visit his old lover, to find everything changed.
Must contain at leased two of these things:
1) Angelus ends up trying to get his soul back for Buffy
2) Angelus rapes Buffy in attempt to make her react at all
3) Angelus beating up Spike
4) Desire demon comes to Sunnydale, followed by the AI gang
Challenge #14 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Emelie & Kittenbug |
Buffy Summers has been ordinary all her life. Ordinary grades, ordinary clothes, ordinary life. Her plain blonde hair doesn't do her justice and her friend from birth, William Derevco, won't notice her crush. Her father left her mom and married Rupert Giles. What happens when the O'Connor family comes however- Angelus O'Connor heir to the investment fim starts to shake things up. Aside from being one of world's largest investment firms they also specialize in technology. When O'Connor sees Buffy Summers, however, he decides that she will be his once and for all. The problem, however, is that she's 16. He, however, is 23. What's worse is that this squeaky little brunette is on a mission, with the help of Faith and Willow to get get William to be hers. She sets her sights on losing her virginity to the man she loves... But can she figure it out before it's too late?
Challenge #15 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Jo & Lisa P |
Basic Plot:
In the episode 'Spin the Bottle', members of the AI team are bespelled to
think that they are teenagers again. What if the spell had been different,
and actually made them all teenagers again, Lorne included? And what if it
made them all human teenagers, including Angel and Lorne? What would happen next?
Challenge #16 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Jo & Lisa P |
Basic Plot:
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce is a famous author of horror stories (like Stephen King). His latest story about vampires is being turned into a movie. Things start to get interesting when Wesley wants a real vampire to audition for the leading part? How will his co-starts feel about this?
1) Include the sentence "How many women do you think you'll need?"
2) Angel *must* be a vampire.
Challenge #17 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Kristi & Rachel |
Darla's call to Angel is Buffy instead. The corresponding Btvs episode, Fool For Love, is the one in which Buffy finds out her mom is sick. Buffy is ambiguous about the reason she is calling. Angel goes to Sunnydale leaving Gunn, Wes and Cordy to handle Darla.
1. Buffy saying "I just wanted to hear your voice."
2. Mr Gordo
3. Angel saying "I felt like I was falling off a cliff… that it would have just been easier to give into the darkness… and then you called."
4. Raspberry nail polish
5. Lyrics/Ideas/Inspiration from Norah Jones' song "Sleepless Nights."
6. The quote: The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.
Challenge #18 | Safe At Last | Incomplete | ||
sired by: Kristi & Rachel | mastered by: Karen | mastered by: Cendari |
1. Buffy is not actually dating the immortal.
2. No Spike bashing
3. Angel/Spike banter
4. Spike showing the maturity about Buffy and Angel that he showed in Chosen.
5. Mention of Puppet Angel
6. The quote: Love doesn't hide. It stays and fights. It goes the distance, that's why love is so strong. So it can carry you all the way home.
1. Popsicle Toes (Just whatever pops in your brain when you see that.)
2. A bottle of wine
3. A mention of Angel's last time in Rome.
Challenge #19 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Lara & Lyssa |
Buffy Summers-Giles,17, has been raised with many brothers, one of which happens to be her bestfriend, Xander. Her mom, Joyce Summers-Giles died of brain cancer when she was 5 leaving her father Giles to raise them along with her uncle Wesley. Her father and uncle both great teachers get offers from a prestigious private school in a small town, Sunnydale. So the whole family moves down there. The school offers Buffy, Andrew and Conner a place in the school. Lindsey goes to UCLA for a degree in Law, Xander goes to UC Sunnydale for a degree in Construction Management.
At the school Buffy has to dorm with 3 girls, Faith, Willow, and Fred. Takes Buffy awhile to warm up to them seeing as she grew up around boys and like virtually no girls, only female friend bake in Boston was Kendra when she was 7. In Buffy's Class their is a quite boy Angel who everyone except 2 boys, Doyle and Gunn avoid. She easily becomes friends with Gunn and Doyle, but Angel doesn't like her present or atleast pretends not to by arguing with her.
Then one night she goes with them to a local club El Boco Del Inferno (The Hellmouth) and finds out Angel isn't as quite as he seems if you know what I mean. Those to start dancing around each other. After a few months Giles has a heart attack and they find out that he as a rare heart disorder (don't know any so make one up if you want or look it up, that's your choice). Buffy goes to Angel for help. They get together, and after 2- 3 months Giles dies. During the whole ordeal Buffy has to deal with this while her closest brother, Xander, gets his 1st serious girlfriend Cordy.
1. Buffy's many brothers (respectivel by age): Lindsey,21; Xander,19; Andrew and Conner,16. Her Father is Giles, Mother was Joyce.
2. Buffy, Willow, Faith, Fred bonding moments at their club.
3. Andrew and Conner have to fight about Dawn, who is a student on scholarship at their school. Conner ending up with Dawn and Andrew with Kennedy, Dawn's faternal twin (the kinda twin were they look very different, just like Andrew and Conner) which goes to Sunnydale High.
4. Buffy and Angel having a stupid fight about Buffy being afriad of butterflies.
5. Buffy kinda of running away for a day or 2 to get away from everything and going back to Boston where her mom would take her as kid.
6. Doyle/Faith, Fred/Gunn getting together by the end
7. One person's favorite greeting must be the word "Begaw!" (heard it in a play)
8. Most importantly lots of B/A moments
Challenge #20 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Lara & Lyssa |
Buffy Summers is a volunteer worker for a homeless shelter. Angel O'Connor is a handsome young homeless man with a mysterious past. During a cold Thanksgiving Day fate brings the two together. They see something in one other, something special that no one else is willing to see in them. Knowing little of his past Buffy makes the hasty decision of allowing Angel to stay at her home until he can obtain a more permanent residence of his own. Living with Buffy shows Angel a life he has never known or ever thought could exist. Though Angel's new perfect life with Buffy is soon jeopardize when his past catches up with him and threatens to ruin the relationship he has made with the young and beautiful Buffy Summers.
1. Angel's family must be extremely wealthy, devious, cruel . . . basically just really evil.
2. His family must consist of Giles, Cordelia and Spike. How they are related to Angel is your choice.
3. There must be a moment between Buffy and Angel were tickling and giggles are involved.
Challenge #21 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Liz & Stacie |
Angel and Buffy work together when they're in their late teens and Angel is slightly ahead of her on the ladder and then something happens where B/A hate each other, and Buffy leaves the company.
A few years later, Angel's the head of a company Buffy's trying to take over.
- The reason they hate each other can't be completely stupid.
- Buffy uses Angel (NC-17) to try to get control.
Challenge #22 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Liz & Stacie |
Buffy and Angel are married. They've kept a lot of secrets from each other and, after seeing a marriage counsellor, decide that they need to find a way to unveil said secrets.
Angel gets Buffy drunk and everytime she gives him information, he gives her a (metaphorical) cookie.
One of the secrets must be that Buffy had sex with either his mother or father.
The rest are fair game as long as they aren't stupid or cliche.
Challenge #23 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Morganna & Wicked Insanity |
Drac finds Buffy in Rome and turns her. She has NO soul. Whether she sticks with Drac and lives it up or takes off on her own is up to the author. Buffy is EVIL. I always thought she had the potential to be one of the darkest characters in fandom if she were ever to switch sides so to speak. I would also like to see a return to the feisty, quippy, happy Buffy. She can still be evil with a sense of humor ;o)
Angel turns into Angelus in the battle in LA. How is up to the authors. He either finds out about Buffy being turned and goes to look for her or he goes after her just for the hell of it. Again it's up to the authors. Lots of fun and games ensue after they meet.
Must Haves:
You can include none, any or all of the following:
Challenge #24 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Morganna & Wicked Insanity |
After Buffy loses her close family and friends in the battle with The First, she's nearly catatonic and perhaps destructive. Needing the brutal truth versus someone telling her that it wasn't her fault, she winds up in L.A. to convince Angel to give her the one thing that she believes could bring about the end of her stupor... Angelus.
Must Haves:
Challenge #25 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Nocturnal Delirium & Rae |
Option #A | Option #B | |
Pairing | B/A | B/Aus |
Rating | R - NC-17 | NC-17 |
Genre | Fluff/ angst | Fluff |
*Must have's* | - After a long and suffering time full of angsty and Angelus, we have a B/A fluffy ending - There is a curse that keeps B/A apart (solve it anyway u want) |
- A really cruel heart breaking for Angel (think about all the times that Angel slept w/ Cordy! i mean come on! Cordy?) - Lots of smutty fun - A moderate Angelus (it's fluff ppl) |
Challenge #26 | Mistressless | |
sired by: Nocturnal Delirium & Rae |
- Angel and Angelus are twins
- Angel and Angelus are librarians ( curators for a museum, take ur pick)
- Both of them are suppose to work but Angelus, being Angelus, usually doesn't but Angel covers up for him
- Buffy is new to town
- Buffy meets angel at the library(museum)
- Later, at a club, thinking that it was Angel, Buffy meets Angelus
- Angelus, wanting to meet buffy more starts to work at the library(museum) also
- After many courtships, some heartaches, and confessions later, all three get together (it's fluff ppl!)
- All three getting caugth while doing the vertical (the more public the better)
- as many threesome position as possible ^_~ (look at the rating!)
- a plot, since it's not a PWP
Challenge #27 "Co-workers" | Untitled Teaser | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee | mastered by: Emelie & Kittenbug |
Basic Plot:
It's a cut throat world, well at least in the office where Angelus and Buffy work. Buffy is your average perfectionist personified. To the outside person it would seem Buffy was obsessed with a job well done, and nothing else.
She comes to the office at the same time every day, completely immaculate and without a hair out of place. She's hard working, diligent in her business pursuit, and extremely inelegant. She's a shy no-nonsense kind of gal, which leads many to believe she's a brown-nosing-goody-two-shoes.
The only catch?
What happens when the two co-workers are both candidates for a make-or-break-your-career promotion? Angelus happens to be as ruthless in the business world as he is in real life, and refuses to let Buffy aka the "ice queen" beat him out of a position well deserved.
As things untangle we find out Buffy isn't so perfect and Angelus will be right there every step of the way to exploit it for his own personal gain. Lets just hope he doesn't ruffle any feathers in the process.
Plot Requirements:
1) As soon as Buffy clocks out, she becomes a completely different person that only her true friends know about. She's outgoing, flirty; loves to dance, party and drink till the wee hours of the morning to help her unwind.
2) Angelus stalking Buffy in an attempt to find some dirt on her so he can get her fired. In the process he finds out about her very sexy and outgoing "alter ego".
3) Angelus taking pictures of Buffy having lunch with the "boss". He assumes the worst and thinks he's hit the jackpot in the black mail department. But it turns out... the boss is really a long time family friend who has known Buffy her whole life, that is one of the reasons she acts so innocent at work. Said boss is actually gay... and gets upset at Angelus' tactics to try and beat Buffy out of the promotion. Or does he admire him for it? (Your choice).
4) Even though Buffy parties a lot and flirts shamelessly, she never lets any of the guys get close to her. This intrigues Angelus in a way he didn't expect and things slowly start to backfire, for both of them, when their feelings start getting involved.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A "Get Well Soon" Ballon that is in tidied color.
2) A red silk thong that shows up at the office.
3) A black poodle with a pink bow, which Angelus wants to shoot.
4) A cat taking a nap on top of the copier and injuring Buffy when she tries to shoo it away.
Challenge #28 "Tub" | Insane Photographer VS. Difficult Cereal Man: A Water Frolic |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee | mastered by: Stacie & Liz |
Basic Plot:
Angel is a musician/writer/singer/actor/whatever (your choice). He's popular in a small, but loyal fan-community. Meaning, he's no big celebrity yet. He's known to be pretty difficult during photo shoots, so most photographers avoid him at all costs. What nobody knows… he's no diva, he just feels uncomfortable …
a) Exposing himself like this or
b) Being controlled by a stranger.
Buffy is a young photographer. Her boss either doesn't like her or he/she wants to test her, so Buffy's next job is a shooting with Angel. Knowing his reputation she dreads it of course, but swallows the bitter pill and finds herself in for a pleasant surprise.
Plot Requirements:
1) Explain how Buffy manages to get Angel into a tub and pose half-nude.
2) Angel getting aroused and *not* wanting Buffy to see, which makes him much more difficult.
3) Buffy trying to be all no nonsense with a naked, grumpy, brooding Angel and failing miserably since she's drooling all over him.
4) Buffy getting to close to the tub and Angel pulls her in as a joke, she gets soaked.
5) Say what the tub-pics do for his career.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Include the name Angharad (this is a must because she inspired this challenge).
2) A black silk robe.
3) People calling Buffy a fairy.
4) A neon dolphin scaring the hell out of Angel.
5) The song "I Only Have Eyes For You"
Challenge #29 "Pirate" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Angelus' life as pirate and captain of his own ship has never been better. Well, at least until another pirate ship appeared on the horizon. Sailing under the fearsome pirate captain Summers, this crew is always just a little quicker in raiding ships than Angelus and his men.
That of course doesn't sit well with Angelus, so he starts hunting down his rival and it doesn't take long before the competeting pirates face off against each other. But this time luck is on Angelus' side. He wins, but his rivals are not completely discouraged yet. To keep their captain Summers safe, her crew dresses her up as boy, hoping she'll soon be able to break free.
Plot Requirements:
1) Decide…
        a.) When and how Angelus finds out that Summers is actually a woman or
        b.) If he already figured it out and waits for the right moment to confront her.
2) Angelus having his way with Buffy or trying to at least till she kicks his ass, maroons him on an island and takes his ship.
3) Whatever will he do when he finds her again, captain of his ship?
4) Angelus being so pissed not even his mistresses can distract and calm him down.
5) Angelus punishing Spike for being cocky by showing him the thin line between pain and pleasure.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Some one saying, "Shiver-me-timbers."
2) A white squall.
3) A moldy piece of bread with maggots on it.
4) Names for both ships.
Challenge #30 "The Ring" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Trying to get rid of Angel once and for all, W&H (or someone else) capture the Slayer, Buffy, and bring her into "The Ring" against her will. They let her know that the only way out is to kill ALL her opponents. So what will happen when she has to face off against Angel in a fight to the death?
He pretends to be Angelus, hoping she'll kill him, so she can leave "The Ring" alive. Fooled, Buffy fights hard and dirty until she wounds Angel(us) badly and realizes she has been fighting Angel all along.
What happens then? Do they make it out? If so, how? Or does one of them die?
Plot requirements:
1) Buffy and Angel going postal on everyone around them. It's connected to their bond.
2) Angel getting pissed about them *man handling* the slayer (she has bruises on her arm or something...).
3) Buffy drinking a goblet of blood, thus turning Angel on when he sees some of it leak out of the side of her mouth and down her chin.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Buffy having a tattoo.
2) A new prophecy.
3) Use the line: "No one touches my mate."
4) A purple doggy-fish (no, it's not a real fish) named Kinsella.
Challenge #31 "Shelter" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
This RW is set post "The Gift" where Buffy died, and was not resurrected. With a promise made to Buffy, Angel keeps fighting for the good of humanity, the only way he can truly feel close to Buffy. Connor is now living with Angel in the AI building, and has been volunteering his time at the homeless shelter that Angel now owns and runs with the help of his AI crew.
As a gift to Buffy for her dedication the...
        a) PTB or
        b) Any other person you want...
...have brought Buffy back as a 15-year-old-girl with no slayer or mystical powers whatsoever, and no recollection of her "slayer" days, including anyone that she used to know. They want her to be able to live out the rest of her life as a normal girl and place her with a new family, all of them having their memories altered. Unfortunately things aren't always peachy. You decide the reason, but Buffy ends up at the homeless shelter after a falling out with her parents or whomever else she was living with.
Connor is immediately taken with the blonde who is now 18 and struggling to get by. Buffy now knows what lurks in the darkness and feels especially helpless that she cannot do anything to protect her self. Connor finds this out and decides he wants to help her in anyway that he can. While, Buffy feels drawn to Connor because of the unknown link to Angel, she holds no romantic feelings for him except friendship.
What happens when Connor brings the girl he's been gushing about home to meet the team for some extra training?
Plot requirements:
1) Everyone who used to know Buffy remembers her, but she does not remember them. You decided who the current AI team is.
2) Buffy feeling a throbbing sensation in her neck (where he bit her) when she meets Angel for the first time, but in fact there is no mark on her neck.
3) Everyone else has continued to age as normal, so Buffy will now be younger than Willow, Xander, Cordy and Connor.
4) Connor walking in on Buffy and Angel during a "moment" and getting jealous.
5) Some kind of a conflict between Giles and Angel on whether of not to tell Buffy that she used to be a powerful slayer.
6) A close call where Angel comes into the shelter to meet this girl that Connor has been going on and on about, but Buffy isn't there.
7) Connor knowing Buffy as Elizabeth
8) Faith is still the slayer and is shaking up with Spike who may/or may not have a soul (you're choice)
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Buffy *not* being a virgin when she meets back up with Angel
2) A blue slimy demon's head rolling to a stop at Buffy's feet
3) A letter written in blood
4) Someone reading a wolverine comic that features a red beach.
5) A green tiger.
Challenge #32 "Parasite" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot/Background Information:
In a time where Lords and Noble men rule the world and mystical dangers plague man, an elite group of warriors was selected at birth to serve the lord and protect the kingdom. Angel and his "warrior brothers" were raised in seclusion knowing that they were special, told that they were supernatural beings. Their strength, healing abilities and cunning reflexes were far greater than any mortal man in the lands.
What this small group of warriors (you choose the army) don't know, is that the source of their powers come to them from Elfin princesses which are bound to them in servitude, thus giving them superior strength and healing abilities. For each warrior a beautiful and ethereal elfin princess is bound to them until their death, where a new princess is called to take her place.
Angel has always been stronger, and more cunning then the rest. Using his strength he often serves in the front lines of the battlefield, and takes the most damage. Darla, the princess that was bound to him at birth, can no longer sustain his life force any longer and feels herself dying as her powers drain until there is nothing left. As she lays on her deathbed, Angel can feel his "borrowed" strength, power and healing abilities diminish with each day that passes. After an especially life threatening injury Angel is forced into a rest bed where his own life lay balanced on a delicate line.
Desperate to find a new princess that would be powerful enough to sustain Angel, they hastily choose the young Buffy. She is the youngest princess that was enslaved to them, and is already showing great power. What they didn't know is that they inadvertently bound Angel to his soul mate, which will have unseen consequences on the fate of both the warriors and the Elfin kingdom.
Once Angel is well again, he sets out on a mission to find out why he lost his powers and why he feels stronger now than he ever had. He's plagued with dreams of a blonde princess who calls out to him in his dreams and haunts his waking thoughts. What he discovers will shatter any concept of power he was raised to believe in.
Plot Requirements:
1) Darla must be the original elf assigned to Angel.
2) There is a prophecy that entails the binding of a warrior and his soul mate; the child that they create together will forever break the bind that enslaves the elfin princesses to their death. This "child of the light" will grow to rule the kingdom and bring peace between the lands.
3) Once Buffy is bound to Angel, they begin to share dreams, making Angel start to question everything he's been taught.
4) The connection that they share is unlike anything the "powers" have seen, so they take Buffy into seclusion so that Angel does not come into contact with her. Does that stop him? No.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A crystal pendant.
2) Fairy dust.
3) A moonlight riverboat ride.
4) A dog-vampire.
5) A chaste kiss.
Challenge #33 "I Fall To Pieces" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
A long time ago Liam tried to save the life of his wife, his soulmate, by becoming a vampire. Bent on turning her, so she wouldn't die, he ignored his Sire and immediately rushed back to his wife's side right after he'd risen. Still it was too late. After seeing him one last time, she died peacefully, but painfully in his arms.
Years later, Liam gets a second chance. Or does he?
Living in the 21st century, Liam is now Angel and he finds his soulmate again, reincarnated as Buffy Summers. He doesn't waste time wooing and making her his wife, but the young couple isn't happy for long. Buffy has a brain tumor and no doctor is willing to operate. Except for one thing: a shady Dr. Metzler who demands a sickening favor in advance and a large sum once he succeeds.
What will Angel do?
Plot requirements:
1) Angel is a vampire with a soul, a good guy with morals
2) Angel is either a powerful business man or a PI and head of Angel Investigations or both.
3) Dr. Metzler demands that Angel forces a woman named Melissa into becoming Metzler's fiancée.
4) Dr. Metzler stalking Melissa.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A black rose.
2) A purple cat with dreadlocks.
3) A magenta thong.
4) A gray blue wolf named Melinda.
5) A vampire couple (Jack & Daniel).
Challenge #34 "She" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Angel is a vampire with a soul who started fighting the good fight on his own volition. He now resides in LA and is the head of Angel Investigations, a detective agency dealing with strange cases. So it's actually no wonder that the mysterious, sexy and skimpy-clad Buffy literally falls into his arms.
And it's no surprise either that Angel soon realizes what a gem he caught because Buffy is special in more ways than one. Not only is she the princess of Oden Tal, but she's the first female of her kind to escape slavedom and the neutralization of her true power.
Since her first taste of freedom that Angel's world offers, she's been on a crusade to save the other young women from her world. But what happens once she meets Angel? Is he just another temporary distraction? A challenge she can't resist? Or is there more to this brooding, dark avenger who defends his world?
Plot requirements:
1) Unleashed vampire passion is a destructive force. Meaning, Angel can't have sex with humans or half-demons because he would break them. The only way to have "safe" sex is with vampires, but they shun him because his soul disgusts them.
2) Buffy trying to seduce Angel into his bed and Angel trying to resist because he fears he'll hurt her.
3) Angel accidentally touches the ridges on Buffy's back. It arouses her and results in her ridges heating up. In this state her ridges are used to arouse males and show her consent to mate, but Angel doesn't react like any other male. It pisses her off.
4) Smelling Buffy's arousal is more potent for Angel than her ridges heating up.
5) Wes walking in on 2 of Buffy's charges (2 young women from her world) in a compromising position.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A pet panther called Quickie.
2) A fountain.
3) A green-crimson snake called Spuffy.
4) Cordy getting territorial when Buffy arrives.
Challenge #35 "Expecting in Harsh Light" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Parker Abrams, controlled by a demon, seduces Buffy and gets her pregnant with his demon spawn. Even though Buffy has no idea, her true mate(s) can somehow sense the important change in her, even from LA. So Angel heads to Sunnydale to confront Buffy and when he finds out she was impregnated by someone else that is not him he is far from happy. In fact Angel loses it so much that he and Angelus are split into separate bodies.
Finally free and beyond pissed, Angelus acts first and asks questions later. He seeks out Parker and rips his head off. Once Angelus has calmed down, tho, he returns to his mate's side and finds her huge with a pregnant belly, crying in Angel's arms.
Burying their hostility, Angel and Angelus take care of their hormonally inbalanced mate while hunting down the demon that got Buffy pregnant.
Plot Requirements:
1) Buffy has to admit she had sex with someone and they have to deal with it.
2) Buffy starts craving blood, but Angel won't let her have any because he fears what she'll think when its over. BUT…
3) Angelus is all for the blood play, so he makes cuts on him self and Buffy drinks it *with pleasure*, which turns both Angel and Angelus on like nothing else.
4) Buffy being completely appaled that she drank blood, and liked it, when the whole ordeal is over.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) The demon spawn causing Buffy's pregnant belly to glow red.
2) A ravenous dog.
3) Someone (other than Buffy or Angel) loosing an appendage.
4) Angel reading "The Highlander" to Buffy.
5) Angelus watching "Forever Knight" with her and making crude comments.
Challenge #36 "Reunion" | Twisted Fate - Prologue | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee | mastered by: Morganna3 & Wicked Insanity |
Basic Plot:
After Dru turns Darla into a vampire again, they both try their best to make Angel return to his bad ways. It doesn't work, tho, so Dru finally reveals that Buffy is the key. But Darla - who's heard the rumors about perfect happiness - is not considering, never mind willing to let Buffy make love to Angel.
Still the evil duo heads to Sunnydale where Darla (in her desperation) turns Buffy, hoping that'll send Angel over the edge. It does indeed work, but not the way Darla planned.
Buffy doesn't rise as minion, but as a vampire without a soul that is more powerful than Darla and Dru combined. She becomes the leader of the evil trio after a catfight and makes Dru and Darla her bitches before they go back to LA, to Angel.
But to their surprise Angelus is waiting for them. Oh, whatever will happen now?
Plot Requirements:
1) Darla hoping that Angelus will torture some respect into Buffy.
2) Buffy and Angelus being equal in power.
3) Dru taunting Buffy that she can't make Angel lose his soul now that she's a vampire.
4) Angel's soul is bound to Buffy, so when she loses it with her turning, he loses it, too.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Buffy making a minion to do all of her dirty work.
2) A manicure.
3) A see through shirt made of silver beads (doesn't cover much...)
4) A crimson giraffe.
5) The Mists of Avalon.
Challenge #37 "Pylea" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Buffy died in "the gift", but instead of going into Slayer heaven, she lands in Pylea. Gifted with the power of visions, Buffy is soon made queen even though she's human. But every queen needs her king, right? That's what the Groosalug, a human-looking warrior, is thinking. So he goes to the castle to woo the queen.
Buffy - who has no recollection of Angel, her old life or the rest of the AI team - is smitten with Groo and seriously considering a union. That's when the AI team strands there to rescue Cordy who got lost a few days ago in the real world.
Upon first seeing Buffy, Angel is of course so happy he kisses her. First she responds, but then she pulls back and slaps him in front of everyone, telling him to never touch her again because she's royalty.
Oh, how will Angel win back her heart?
Plot Requirements:
1) Time moves different (faster) in Pylea, which means that Buffy has been queen for quite some time when the AI team arrives.
2) Angel trying to prove that the mark on her neck means she belongs to him.
3) Angel challenging Groo to a duel and winning.
4) A prophecy along the lines of: "The sunshine queen will give her visions to her rightful warrior king."
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A blue eclipse.
2) Someone comparing Buffy to a black widow.
3) A rain storm with orange hail.
4) Gunn laughing his ass off when Buffy slaps Angel.
5) Cordy snickering when Buffy explains she's royalty. There are consequences.
6) A cameo by a Harry Potter pairing you don't ship.
Challenge #38 "Blue Lagoon" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Buffy and Angel find themselves stranded on a deserted island after Angel's plane was sabotaged in an attempt to kill Buffy. Angel, being an expert pilot, managed to crash safely on an uncharted island. Here they find selves attacked by wild animals, natives and most of all...each other.
Despite their beautiful surroundings, Buffy blames the crash on Angel's ability to fly and the quality of his plane, and vows to avoid him at all costs, which proves more difficult than she imagined. With no food, clothes or shelter they find themselves working together with much reluctance from both of them.
Angel sees Buffy as a spoiled brat, Buffy sees Angel as an arrogant playboy. Underneath the hatred they feel for one another, they both try to tame the building attraction that their close proximty and lack of clothing creates.
What happens when Buffy runs from Angel after an especially harsh verbal fight and finds her self face to face with a tribe of were-animals who decide they have found their new queen?
Plot Requirements:
1) Angel claiming Buffy as his mate in order to convince the tribe that she is already spoken for.
2) A nasty storm ripping the island into near shreds.
3) The native were-animals think they have offended Angel (they see him as sort of a god due to his speech, his looks, his ability to walk... you decide... maybe he does something fancy). They think he caused the storm that almost destroyed their village... In an attempt to appease him (and to stop the rain), they give the "couple" the best hut they have, blessing them with an aphrodisiac potion in order to stimulate fertility.
4) Buffy & Angel being under the influence of the "potion" and can't stop touching each other... needless to say the storm ends.
5) Buffy blaming Angel when she wakes up naked the next morning, Angel thinking she's beautiful when she's furious, blushing and naked.
6) Either Angel or Buffy getting really sick or injured, this makes them realize their true feelings for each other.
7) Angel and Buffy getting rescued somehow... you decided if they stay or go.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Black sand beach
2) A loincloth *grins*
3) Buffy taming a wild animal and keeping it as a pet, which hates Angel and attacks him when he gets close
4) A black witch.
5) Angel drawing a picture of Buffy.
Challenge #39 "Bounty Hunter" | Midnight | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee | mastered by: Christine & Lela Rose |
Basic Plot:
Set in a AU future where humanity has taken a nose dive, and it's a kill or be killed world plagued with poverty and nasty things waiting around every corner to harm you. Buffy is a bounty hunter, known for her beauty, strength, agility, and cunningness. She has something akin to slayer strength, but it's not the PTB that gives her supernatural power, it's the beast that rages within her.
Angelus is the "angel of death" known for being ruthless and unmerciful, torturing any and all that get in his path. He is a hardened criminal seeking freedom from the government that has manipulated him into being their personal killing machine. The only problem, he's not a force that can be harnessed and molded into doing their dirty work. Angelus has survived their destruction by jumping from one prison to the next only to escape the impossible and leaving a trail of ruin in his path.
The government that has spent years hiding his true identity and trying to harness him has now officially turned their backs on him, afraid of the information he possesses and what his unstable and dangerous personality will do with it. Unknown to Angelus they placed the highest bounty ever to be heard of on his head. Where many have failed to capture him, Buffy will succeed.
What no one knows is that Angelus and Buffy have the same beast raging within them, fighting with each passing second to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, each other. After Buffy tracks down Angelus, they find themselves attracted to each other on an intense primal level, their beasts raging out of control until they've nearly killed each other with the explosion of their passion. While the beast within them recognizes its true mate, their human sides hate each other.
Will they come to a truce to find out the true nature of their beings, or will they end up killing each other?
Plot Requirements:
1) Buffy clawing Angelus up during a passionate moment of bliss, making him bleed.
2) Angelus *always* being the dominate one with his past lovers, he tries to pull that on Buffy and she's less then happy about it. She really teaches him his lesson when he wakes up tied to a bed thanks to Buffy.
3) After Buffy captures Angelus they live on a ship where she is transporting him.
4) Buffy actually turning him in for the money, even after they've slept together.
5) Angelus breaking free from the government facility, and the first thing he does is go after Buffy, payback's a bitch... but some how I don't think she'll mind.
6) Buffy & Angelus able to recognize each other by scent.
7) Buffy and Angelus eyes shifting in color depending on the mood and situation.
8) Angelus getting jealous when someone hits on Buffy, even though Angelus and Buffy swear they hate each other.
9) We'd like to see some primal sex, growling, biting... the works *grins*
10) Set in the future:
a) You decide how mystical you want it: Vampires, Werewolves... other demons that go bump in the night. Angelus & Buffy must be of a similar (thought to be extinct) race that has the "beast" raging within them.
b) The "government" lying to Angelus in order to manipulate him into working for them.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Someone saying, "I don't bite... hard."
2) A red sunset over the mountains.
3) Angelus splitting Buffy's lip, Buffy spitting the blood in his face and Angelus licking it off.
4) Bits of the monologue Angelus recites in the episode "Passions".
5) A surprise in a mall.
Feel free to change the setting... I got this idea from watching 'The Chronicles of Riddick', but you girls could put a different spin on it. Think Riddick/Kyra (Jack)
Challenge #40 "Bloody Marriage" | A Bloody Marriage | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee | mastered by: Desdemona & Kyria |
In a land ruled by Kings and Queens, mankind is driven by power and wealth. For the last decade two opposing kingdoms have been waging an open war against each other for a tug-of-war power struggle, both coming to a stale mate when neither refuses defeat.
Kingdom 1 (you make the name and location) is ruled by King Rupert Giles, nicknamed "Ripper" for his ruthless method of conquering all neighbouring lands. His son, Prince Angelus (age 22-26), has been groomed to take over the kingdom when his father passes.
Kingdom 2 (you make the name and location) is ruled by Queen Darla.... (You pick her last name). She is known through out the world for her grace, beauty and vindictiveness. Many underestimate her because she is a woman, but she has proven herself and her kingdom to all those who dare challenge her. Her daughter, Princess Buffy (age 17-18), has been groomed to take over the kingdom when her mother passes.
We begin the story when the two lands enter into a series of rocky negotiations for a peace treaty that will double their power and give them an unbreakable stronghold on the world. It is decided that the Prince Angelus & Princess Buffy are to marry, thus solidifying the union between the two lands. The only problem, neither Rupert nor Darla trust one another.
One of the stipulations on the trade agreement is that Buffy shall give her virginity to Angelus on the night of their wedding, Rupert believing that only the purest of women is suitable for his son and fit to co-rule his country when he passes.
Darla, in her cleverness, comes up with a secret plan to go against King Rupert's terms. She sends Buffy off, telling her what needs to be done. Buffy is more than happy to oblige. She has learned from her mother to be strong willed and independent. So she goes out... and unknowingly picks up Angelus and they have a night of wild passion.
Time goes by, and the princess and prince are not supposed to have contact until the wedding. Imagine their surprise when Angelus and Buffy see each other again on the eve of their wedding. Angelus knows they are in violation of the treaty, because he had sex with her... so does he go against his father and keep his mouth shut, or take the blonde vixen as his bride?
Plot Requirements:
1) Buffy is told by Darla that she is to murder her husband in the marriage bed.
2) Darla and Buffy are famous through out the lands for their captivating beauty. They are something akin to a species of sirens and can bend a man's will with their charms.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Buffy's having two black panthers as pets.
2) A reference to the episode "I Will Remember You".
3) A lamb being sacrificed.
4) Something terribly pink.
Challenge #41 "Ski-Resort" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
Angel and Buffy meet at a ski resort. The town is very small, and it's known for its incredible skiing and secluded romantic environment. Angel brings his long time "fiancée" there to vacation. His fiancée is really a closet lesbian, who gets the hots for Buffy just as Angel has, but only Angel knows she's a lesbian.
Their parents are forcing them to marry, but both have an understanding when it comes to dating other people. They are best friends, and don't really mind being married to the other one for show.
Buffy is a children's ski instructor, but Angel sets his eyes on her and is determined to win her over. Buffy who is commitment phobia has made it a rule never to date the people that vacation there. After several failed attempts to woo Buffy, he signs up for her children's ski class (his father has strings at the resort, so Buffy has to teach him). A side of Angel opens up while he's playing with the kids and rolling in the snow that Buffy hasn't seen and she finds her self falling for him.
Plot Requirements:
1) Angel really knowing how to ski, but making a fool of himself for Buffy's benefit
2) Buffy seeing Angel with his fiancée and drawing the wrong conclusions
3) Angel's fiancée having a major crush on Buffy
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) Spiked eggnog
2) A hot pink ski jump suit
3) One of the major characters running into a tree and being air lifted to the hospital.
4) A book about a witch and her red and black cat.
Challenge #42 "Falling" | Mistressless | |
sired by: Dani & Hannahbee |
Basic Plot:
After living through her mothers nasty divorce, and watching her older sister go through a string of guys, Buffy Summers has written off the concept of love. Everyone around her is falling, and Buffy is scrambling not to become the next one. She has dismissed the notion of romance completely and is on a mission to ward everyone else off of love.
Enter Angel… who's not discouraged even after she turned him down the third time. After all he's on a mission to prove that falling isn't so bad. Of course it's not as easy as he thinks since Buffy insists that her and Angel are just "friends" even though they are dating and making out all the time.
Plot Requirements:
1) Someone walking in on them while they are fooling around seriously for the first time. Angel's shirt must be off and his pants unzipped.
2) Buffy and Angel almost having sex, but she changes her mind last minute style and runs from the room crying. She tells him she can't sleep with him because she doesn't love him. Since the mood is gone, Angel drives her home.
3) Car accident (not their fault) neither is seriously hurt but one has to spend the night in the hospital with the comfort of the other one. But this isn't when she falls in love with him.
4) There must be a big fight where Angel won't speak or see Buffy for a little while, despite her attempts to smooth things over with him.
Little things to incorporate into the fic:
1) A Halloween party with drinking.
2) Faith as Buffy's older, but not so wiser, sister.
3) Faith eloping with William aka Spike.
4) A set of mutual friends (one from Buffy's group and one from Angel's) falls in love, and makes everyone around them sick.
5) One of Buffy's very good friends becoming pregnant and them (Buffy and chosen girl) trying to keep it a secret.
AN: Baised on a Mandy Moore movie... what the name of it? How To Deal or something like that.